Seeing communities flourish is at the heart of Menter Môn. We help to create prosperous communities, where the Welsh language thrives. Our aim is to promote a healthy environment, where talented young people are employed in high quality jobs, and where communities come together to overcome the challenges they face and be more enterprising as they shape their communities for the future.

Menter Môn’s individual projects within our communities are transformative, having a positive effect on various aspects of local life. By focusing on enhancing the use of the Welsh language, job opportunities for young people, addressing issues such as food poverty and environmental issues within our local areas, each project has made a difference in the lives of local people. Through these efforts, Menter Môn has empowered communities to come together, fostering resilience and collaboration as they face challenges and build a stronger, more vibrant future for all.
Areas of Work
Young People – Young people are important to the future of our communities and for twenty years we have provided opportunities through our projects such as the establishment of Theatr Ieuenctid Môn, arts workshops leading up to Gwyl Cefni and engagement work through the Morlais project. By fostering a supportive atmosphere and offering opportunities for personal and professional growth, Menter Môn has given young people a boost, giving them the tools they need to thrive in an ever-evolving world. With the Llwyddo’n Lleol plan from the Welsh Government, Menter Môn together with partners are serving within the four Arfor shires to highlight exciting career opportunities, and try to convince the young generation to stay, or to return, to their communities.
Environment – We live in a unique area with special habitats and species. Menter Môn tries to protect our natural environment for the benefit of generations to come. Among our plans is Afonydd Menai which tries to protect the water vole, in collaboration with communities. Through schemes such as Cwlwm Seiriol we work with the residents of Anglesey in order to offer conservation opportunities, and educate people about their habitat. We have also recognized the potential of using the natural assets of our environment to create renewable energy projects such as with Morlais and Holyhead Hydrogen.
Communities – Vibrant communities are essential to the standard of living of its residents. Key to this is the ability and capacity for communities to decide and influence their own future. This can be through owning a pub, organizing festivals, or celebrating identity. Through Balchder Bro (Anglesey) and Grymuso Gwynedd schemes we work with communities in Anglesey and Gwynedd on a range of schemes which are important to local people. The Ein Hanes Ni scheme has a specific focus on maximizing and recording the history and heritage of communities across Anglesey and Gwynedd. One of the main aims of the plan is to stimulate the relationship between generations by bringing young and old people together to appreciate, learn and teach about the history of their surroundings. There is a natural interweaving that takes place between all community plans giving a better understanding of the needs, priorities, and aspirations of our communities.
The Welsh Language – At the heart of all our projects is the aim of reinforcing, protecting, and celebrating the Welsh language and the heritage of our habitat. From our work with the Language Forum, to hosting Gwyl Cefni and establishing the Theatr Ieuenctid Môn, we are committed to strengthening the language in Anglesey and beyond by working together with our partners to increase the number of Welsh speakers and offer Gofod Cymraeg spaces where Welsh is spoken naturally. Through our Menter Iaith Môn work, we have collaborated on projects to introduce the language at a young age with the app Ogi Ogi and Selog, normalising and promoting the language from birth.